Thursday, 10 March 2011

The Death of Georgia B

I recently joined up with the lovely people 'Last Fancies' to work on their aforementioned title, which is currently supported by Arts Council England and due to be performed on March 27th 2011.

For a fairly intensive period over the next three weeks I will be producing the graphical elements to the stages and props throughout the show for the audience to interactive with. Although this is not normally the sort of brief I usually work under, the unique feature of this show is that the audience will be moving throughout various venues throughout the city in a sort of 'real life Cluedo' style performance, where they have to piece together information strategically placed by the actors and workers an Last Fancies Studios - which means the graphical content will play a pivotal part in how the drama unfolds.
From listening to some of the directors and staff it sounds like a lot of intriguing design work will be produced, with a great deal of attention payed to detail, content and suggestion.

Their website can be found at and i'm sure I will be uploading more posts and photos from the show closer to the day.

On a footnote: I had always regarded fellow graphic designers to be amongst the most eccentric bunch of people you could ever wish to meet both at a university and in the workplace.
- I clearly have not spent a prolonged amount of time with those studying drama and acting!

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